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Temperature and density evolution during decay in a 2.45 GHz hydrogen electron cyclotron resonance plasma: off-resonant and resonant cases

O.D. Cortázar, A. Megia-Macías, A. Vizcaíno-de-Julián

Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 84, nº. 9, pp. 093301-1 - 093301-10


Time resolved electron temperature and density measurements during the decay stage in a hydrogen electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma are presented for a resonance and off-resonance magnetic field configurations. The measurements are conducted on a ECR plasma generator excited at 2.45 GHz denominated test-bench for ion-sources plasma studies at ESS Bilbao. The plasma parameters evolution is studied by Langmuir probe diagnostic with synchronized sample technique developed for repetitive pulsed plasmas with a temporal resolution of 200 ns in typical decay processes of about 40 μs. An afterglow transient is clearly observed in the reflected microwave power signal from the plasma. Simultaneously, the electron temperature evolution shows rebounding peaks that may be related to the interplay between density drop and microwave coupling with deep impact on the Electron Energy Distribution Function. The correlation of such structures with the plasma absorbed power and the coupling quality is also reported.

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 1,584 - Q3 (2013); 1,300 - Q3 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4819875

Published on paper: September 2013.

Published on-line: September 2013.

O.D. Cortázar, A. Megia-Macías, A. Vizcaíno-de-Julián, Temperature and density evolution during decay in a 2.45 GHz hydrogen electron cyclotron resonance plasma: off-resonant and resonant cases. Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 84, nº. 9, pp. 093301-1 - 093301-10, September 2013. [Online: September 2013]

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